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Edinburgh Canon Conference

February 4, 2015

My Edinburgh (New College) colleague, Professor Timothy Lim, has organized an interesting day-conference (06 May) on questions about the historical processes and significance of the formation of a “canon” of writings that are then treated as special, authoritative, scriptures. The theme of the conference revolves around the issues of historical and theological ramifications of canonization.  Why were some texts and not others elevated to the status of “holy scriptures”?  What are the effects in conferring authority on these texts?  Lim’s recent book on the formation of the Jewish canon is now an important contribution to scholarly study of the matter:  The Formation of the Jewish Canon (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013).

There will be invited presentations by a mini-galaxy of recognized scholars:  John Barton, John Collins, Shaye Cohen, Craig Evans, Timothy Lim, Walter Moberly, Manfred Oeming, and Michael Satlow.  Full cost (inclusive of refreshments and lunch):  £30.  For students, a concessionary price of £15.

For further information, including registration procedure, see the conference web site here.

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  1. bee permalink

    I am interested in 2 Mac. Apparently there’s no certainty about when it appeared. It is said to be in the LXX. But when. lt is not in codex Vaticanus

    2 Maccabees 6&7 is my special concern

    Apparently the Greeks accepted it early. and the Catholics later, 5th cent?.

    • For a good and accessible intro to the “Apocrypha”: Desilva, David A. Introducing the Apocrypha: Message, Context, and Significance. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2002.
      For introduction to the LXX: Jobes, Karen H. and Moises Silva. Invitation to the Septuagint. Grand Rapids/Carlisle: Baker Academic/Paternoster, 2000.

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