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Jesus’ Wife Fragment: The Back Story

June 16, 2016

In the latest Atlantic Monthly there’s a fascinating article about the now-infamous “Jesus’ Wife” fragment by a journalist who probed and probed to dig into the back story.  It involves lies, half-truths, conflicting claims/accounts, porn, automatic writing, angels’ voices, the Stasi, Egyptologists, and more.  It’s a long article but worth the reading:  here.

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  1. Michael Brugge permalink

    That Atlantic story is a gem. It was a more enjoyable read than the DaVinci Code, and you can read it all in one sitting. It has everything: Egyptologist quarrels, East German spies, sex, porn, intrigue and old-fashioned shoe-leather journalism ! What fun.

  2. Thank you, Larry. It is all the more amazing that every single scientific test so far has ruled out modern forgery…. I would not be in Prof. King’s shoes, though..

  3. Judith A. Diehl permalink

    Fascinating. As a former journalist, I found it clear, well-written, factual and thought-provoking. Actually, the whole story (reality) is more intriguing than the Da Vinci Code — no one could think up a story (fiction) such as this!

  4. Well, thank you for sharing this information and the link. It certainly is fascinating and convincing!

  5. William B. Peel permalink

    Well…that was certainly interesting and somewhat entertaining.

  6. reidcarol9 permalink

    Wow! Interesting article on so many levels. Thank you. Fwiw I currently live in southwest Florida a recent transplant from Kansas City, Missouri, one of your old stomping grounds.

  7. joezias permalink

    I can see it now, whats in store, a book about Mary, same cast of ‘wannabe archaeologists’…?

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